Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Writing Exercise #10

Something a little different this time. Two things:

1) This is a stand-alone vignette, not part of any larger universe. I believe this is the first exercise I've done that is neither fanfic nor somehow connected to The Witch of November.

2) It's in first person, and I very rarely write in first person.

As is typical of the exercises, this was written in like, fifteen minutes.

Prompt: airport
Fandom: original


The little girl pressed her face against the cab window, watching the city buildings pass by in a blur. “Look, Mama!” she cried, pointing as the cab slowed to a stop at a red light. “I see the airplanes.”

I smiled at my five-year-old daughter, Sophie, and ruffled her dark curls. “I see them, too. And you know what?”


“In just a couple of hours, we’ll be sitting on one of those airplanes.”

“And then we’ll be flying with the birds!”

“Exactly. And then, after we fly with the birds for three hours, where will we be?”

“With Mickey Mouse!”

I laughed and even caught the hardened city cab driver smiling to himself at little Sophie’s excitement.

With one watchful eye still on my daughter, I faced forward in the seat and mentally ran through the pre-vacation checklist. Did I plug in the timers? Turn off the computer? Lock the doors? Remember to use up of all the perishables in my fridge?

Check, check, check, and check. Not that I could do anything about it now. The airport loomed large in front of us, and in just a few minutes, Sophie and I would be lugging suitcases--a huge thirty-incher for me and a tiny pink Dora the Explorer one for her--through the corridors and going through security.

Then we’d be flying with the birds for my daughter’s first trip to Disney World.


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