Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fanfic: SVU: A Night at Casey's

Title: A Night at Casey's
Summary: What on earth could two well-behaved, lovely kids possibly do to run Casey so ragged? Three minutes later, Olivia found out.
Word Count: 4298, so says Works.
Spoilers: None.
Pairing: None.
Rating/Warning: G. No real warnings to speak of, but you might want to be careful of the saccharine and the silliness.
Disclaimer: Casey Novak and Olivia Benson belong to Dick Wolf and NBC. I borrowed them when they weren't looking, but I promise to return them when I'm done!
Author's Note: Lynn and Stephanie Novak have appeared in "Stalemate", "A Day With the Cole Brothers", and "A Day at the Mall" and are completely un-canon. Since no one ever bothered to give Casey a canon family, I figured I was allowed to give her one myself.
Author's Note 2: I've never really given a strict timeline to this little series of stories, but in my head, "Stalemate" took place in the early part of season six (so, late 2004). The two following one-shots take place about a year and a half later, with "A Day at the Mall" ahead of "A Day With the Cole Brothers" by a couple of months. The following is set during the same year (2006), a few weeks before "A Day at the Mall."
Author's Note 3: This is what is known as a majorly insistent plotbunny. It just lodged itself in my head and would. not. leave until I indugled it. I apologize if this isn't up to my usual standard, but the fact that I like something enough to post is kind of a big deal right now. And finally, the following is ridiculously silly. Have fun!
