Saturday, June 30, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Ten (10/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: I've written a few therapy session scenes in my time, but none of them came out quite as easily as this one. Once again, what you see below is not the direction I intended on taking when I started writing the scene. It happened as I wrote, and I decided I liked it a lot better than my original plan of Emma faking her way through the session. Also, I'm beginning to see why there's so much Regina/Emma fic out there. Their back-and-forth is really fun to write.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Nine (9/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: My original intention for this chapter was fluff for fluff's sake. Every story needs a little bit of fluff, and this one has been so heavy, I thought it would be nice to have some fun, just as a release. Well, the story itself had other ideas, and the chapter ended up being pretty crucial to the plot. Having Emma and David spend time together was fun but a challenge since the two of them didn't have a lot of hanging-out screentime.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Eight (8/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: The Henry/Emma dynamic is really fun, and Henry just kind of writes himself. I love when characters do that; it makes my job so much easier, hee. August/Emma is also kind of a blast. I love how August is one of the only people that Emma feels she can really bounce her ideas off of. Having August be the one to help her figure out her next step was a natural choice, and I thought his suggestion was a neat little Easter egg for his true identity.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Seven (7/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: This is probably the shortest chapter in the story, word-count-wise, and yet it's the one I've spent the most time on in edits (so far). It's such a pivotal chapter that I really felt like it needed the attention. The original version of this, Emma was more emotional rather than angry (actually, my first-draft Emma was a lot more emotional in general, which is something I had to reel in during the editing process) and I ended up adding a lot more inner monologue to the narrative.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Six (6/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: One of the things I really love about the Emma/Mary Margaret dynamic is that Emma's so closed off, but Mary Margaret instinctively knows what she has to do in order to reach her. I've tried to inject that in this chapter, with Mary Margaret wanting desperately to do something but knowing she has to do it Emma's way. Also, Regina is still ridiculously fun to write.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Five (5/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: I wrote the first section of this chapter at 11:30 one night and truthfully, I didn't change it all that much during edits. I mostly added clarifications because whipping something out in twenty minutes at 11:30 pm does not lend itself well to clarity. Trying to get a handle on poor Emma's emotional state after a night like that for the second section was a blast.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Four (4/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: The Regina/Henry dynamic is really interesting to explore, and I'm kind of bummed that the plotting of this story didn't allow me to do more of it. I may have to do a oneshot or two to play around with it a little more. Not that I'm complaining about that, ha.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Three (3/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: This was another fun one but this time the fun came from trying to hit all the appropriate emotional notes. From Mary Margaret's confusion and fear to Emma's panic and anger, it was all kinds of enjoyable.


Thursday, June 07, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter Two (2/12)

Title: Breaking Point
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: You have absolutely no idea how much fun this chapter was to write. It kind of frightens me how much fun I have with Regina. She's hard to find but when I do finally find her, she's a blast.


Monday, June 04, 2012

Writing Challenge: Breaking Point, Chapter One (1/12)

So! I've gotten Writing Challenge to the point that I'm ready to start posting now. Picture me squealing like an ecstatic teenage girl. (No, seriously. You have no idea how fun this was. Or how exciting it is for me to actually be excited about having something to post. No writer's block on this sucker!)

And, yeah, it's fanfic. But it was friggin' fun fanfic. I had a total blast with this story. So, without further ado:

Title: Breaking Point
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Summary: Emma leaving town was out of the question, and that was perfectly fine with Regina. As a matter of fact, Emma absolutely must stay in Storybrooke for a long, long time. And she knew just how to accomplish that.
Spoilers: Up through 1x19, "The Return."
Characters: Mostly Emma, Regina, and Mary Margaret, with special appearances by Henry, August, Archie, David, and Dr. Whale along the way.
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mostly for language.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Please don't sue me! You won't get much.
Author's Note: As with Harper's Island before it, I was most emphatically not going to write Once Upon a Time fic. And then hiatus happened. Mad props to ViciousCircle on the TWoP forums for suggesting the basic plot for this story and to Aliasscape for suggesting someone turn it into a fic. I took it as a challenge. My first time writing in a new fandom is always very nervous-making for me, so feedback is much appreciated. Enjoy!
